Wednesday, April 4, 2012

TOJ APM Update

Ever since TOJ was taken down, I've grown to be a hardcore Nullpomino player, and probably for the better. That lagless Java client is responsible for some of the fastest and most efficient players to this day. And I've improved my speed exceptionally.

But this past January, a Polish programmer began hosting TOJ through what he calls Tetris Online Poland. And although I've accustomed myself to Nullpo, and most likely will keep it as my favorite all-time client, I have to revisit my roots, on newly revived TOJ--dubbed "TOP".

They have an online ranking, but it seems flawed and mostly illegitimate. It's difficult to track the actual skill of players when it's so easy to fake scores. But at least I'm somewhere on the Sprint board if you search Yotipo

Upon loading you have options to edit the DAS to the default, or an alternative that the server offers which I use. If I want to get into the game's core gameplay, I'd consider manually editing some values, which isn't all that difficult, but I'd have to go digging around some documentation on Hard Drop to find out what they are.


I've really improved over the past 2 years. I don't post on here much, but I certainly do play a lot still. Here's a few screenshots of my APM improvements on TOJ.

On 5-24-10 I posted

17.8 APM

On 10-24-10 I posted

23.4 APM

And today, 4-4-12 I'm posting

38.6 APM

So there's no doubt I'm still improving! There's lots more I take into consideration now, especially when downstacking. It sounded like such an absurd term since technically everybody downstacks, but to understand and have a good feel for all the foresight is an entirely different and more advanced subject

Maybe someday I'll be as good as these guys... if they're even legit.
74.7 APM
69.2 APM
79.3 APM
72.0 APM
61.2 APM
80.7 APM

Thursday, March 29, 2012

I wasn't real intent on posting a video this short, but it's just to show my finesse has improved since last post.

I was really happy for this one. Usually I get a random awesome score after my average is consistently around my most recent best.

So I got a few 37s, and then I birthed this: